I decided to add a Christmas countdown to my website, so that this year I can get organised without a last minute mad panic - which happens every year without fail. As soon as Christmas is over I vow that I will not wait until 2 days before Christmas to buy my presents, that I will get all my preparations done weeks before hand....you get the picture.
I was shocked when I looked at the countdown - theres only 43 days to Christmas! Where has the year gone. I know it's a sign that I am getting older - the years go by so much quicker. Another sign is that Doctors look younger than me (when I was a student nurse this was never the case) So I am trying to muster up some Christmas spirit my excuse has always been that we design for the magazines about 6 month's ahead so I am thinking of summer and for me that means that Christmas was 6 months ago. I think you can see the confusion here.
I have started to add Christmas charts to my website (click here) here is a sneak peak of 'Sledging Snowman' the chart is available for £1.15 and would make a fun Christmas card.
I have also recently finished a compilation book along with a few other designers 'A Cross Stitcher's Countdown to Christmas' available from David & Charles which you can also pre-order from me.
My Art is moving...
10 years ago